If you feel called to help others, got questions, want answers
join our Monthly Zoom Event via the link below
Each Month is $ 28

“It’s no coincidence that you were led here.
Friend & I are glad you’re joining us. My Zoom Community will allow us to interact LIVE with you in lots of new ways.”
I have always known, I was different and came to make a difference.
Do you know you came here to contribute? Want to stay forever connected to your Soul Pet or Person? Want to learn more about Energy, Healing and the Spiritual world? If so,
My monthly Zoom event is for you!
Friend and Brent designed our Event. It’s Brent’s goal to connect with and help heal hearts while providing relief from the pain of loss by increasing your awareness of the eternal nature of Energy, Love and Spirit. Brent’s Q & A community will allow her to directly engage live with each person that is chosen for a question or a mini reading so she can teach them to connect and communicate with their beloved Spirits and validate the existence of a Soul pet’s afterlife or connect with a Pet on the Other Side.
The knowledge and results you gain here will verify that you have a sustained connection to your Loved Ones on the Other Side.
What’s included:
My monthly 2 hour Zoom event, usually on the 15th, will be the first time folks will have the opportunity to experience an intimate and personal giveaway mini reading with Brent .
* there will be a VIRTUAL online audience where Brent will connect with guests Live and bring you up on the “Virtual” stage for your mini reading.
*Each month the”Quickie Question” with Brent will feature discussions inspired by guest inquiries. Sometimes we have special quickie readings and drop in guests.

*Learn how to access, direct and use energy via Animal communication suggestions that will connect you with Pets on the Other Side & Spirits on the Other Side.
Our mind expanding subjects include:
Connection with human Loved Ones
Medical Intuition for Pets and People
Energy Healing for Animals and People
How to set up a Professional Business
How to make Podcasts, Videos and more…..
Producing Live Podcasts, Radio shows, Vlogs, etc.
Energy art and Spiritual paintings like how to paint a Spirit’s portrait,
and how to paint
Paintings that Heal®
Before her fiancé’s death, Ms. Atwater was an artist and designer
working with companies and collected by individuals all over the world.
*** Ask yourself, what can I learn from this monthly event and
how will I benefit from
the connections I make and
the results I experience.
How will it transform my life?
How will Brent’s 30 years of experiences help you achieve your results?
At 5, Brent Atwater’s unique abilities were discovered and documented by Duke University’s
Dr. J B Rhine the founder of parapsychology in his Extra Sensory Perception pilot study.
After experiencing the sudden death of her fiancé Mike, Brent’s Gifts couldn’t be ignored anymore.
Brent is able to see Spirits and talk with them face to face.
The recent transition of Brent’s Soul dog Friend, was her catalyst to create this community.
Ms. Atwater wants to teach what she knows to activate, inspire and empower your Gifts and abilities, so you can fulfill your Soul’s purpose!
Brent KNOWS how to survive the loss of a Loved One and a Soul pet,
and how to transform grief into an interactive and eternal one on one living connection!
Brent also has the extraordinary Gift to see inside a body like a “Human MRI,”
From her medical intuitive and energy healing career,
Brent will teach members that are interested in those topics from real client experiences.
Once you are aware of and interface with ” life force energy” and have a tangible Spirit connection,
you will perceive and understand life & “death” differently.
Monthly payment for each Event
Just $ 28.00
The monthly plan is small investment in your future and you can cancel or switch to an annual plan at any time.
Recurring payment, You are in charge of your account and can cancel anytime via your PayPal account page.
Friend and I look forward to meeting you!